Foreign rights

If you are interested in purchasing rights to one or more of our publications, please contact us at the following e-mail address

Our latest catalog can be downloaded here : spring 2025
Others catalogs :
spring 2024 - illustrated books

fall 2023 - illustrated books

fall 2023 - literature

On request, we can provide a printed catalogue by the post office. 

Here you can find the Belgian platform for foreign rights : Wallonie-Bruxelles International, with all the books available for right acquisitions. 


In Spanish :

los demonios caca

Les Démons caca, Tragaluz editores, Colombia 


de vez en cuando         los demonios caca 2

De temps en temps, Hotel Papel Ediciones, colección Corazonadas, España (Spain)

Les Démons caca, Hotel Papel Ediciones, colección Corazonadas, España (Spain)


In Italian : 

Voyage d’hiver, Anne Brouillard, Orecchio Acerbo Editore, Italia (Italy)


In Polish : 

Les Cerfs, Veronika Mabardi, Lokator, Polska (Poland)


In Korean : 

L’histoire du Géant, Anne Herbauts, Editions Jean Moulin, 한국의 (Korea)


In Romanian :  

La Théo des fleuves, Jean Marc Turine, Casa Cartii de Stiinta, România (Roumania)

In Chinese : 

La Théo des fleuves, Jean Marc Turine, Nanjiin University Press, 中国 (China)


In Bulgarian :  


La Théo des fleuves, Jean Marc Turine, SONM, България (Bulgaria)


In Vietnamese : 


La Théo des fleuves, Jean Marc Turine, Nhà Xuẩt Bân Văn Hoc, Tiếng Việt (Vietnam)